Now, I'll be honest-I've never been a huge fan of sports movies, but occasionally I will find one that I like. 23 Blast is actually the first sports movie that I REALLY liked. It was just that good. And, my husband is a HUGE football fan, so I just knew he would enjoy it as well. (You can win a copy too, but I will get to that toward the end of this post). Here's a little bit about the movie: Rated PG-13 (brief drinking of alcohol on school property) / 1h 42m As a typical teenager, Travis Freeman (Mark Hapka) is a local hero both on and off the high-school football field in his small Kentucky town, but in 1997, Travis contracts an infection that destroys his optic nerve and renders him blind overnight. With the loving help and concern of his parents, physical therapist, coach and best friend, Travis demonstrates what true bravery is: He continues to compete on the gridiron and helps his team advance to the state finals. My Thoughts I watched t...
Book reviews, various product reviews, my thoughts, and giveaways too...