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Showing posts from January, 2015

Such A Good Movie--Have You Seen 23 Blast Yet? Review/Giveaway! Ends 2/05/14! #23Blast

Now, I'll be honest-I've never been a huge fan of sports movies, but occasionally I will find one that I like. 23 Blast is actually the first sports movie that I REALLY liked. It was just that good. And, my husband is a HUGE football fan, so I just knew he would enjoy it as well. (You can win a copy too, but I will get to that toward the end of this post). Here's a little bit about the movie: Rated PG-13  (brief drinking of alcohol on school property)   / 1h 42m As a typical teenager, Travis Freeman (Mark Hapka) is a local hero both on and off the high-school football field in his small Kentucky town, but in 1997, Travis contracts an infection that destroys his optic nerve and renders him blind overnight. With the loving help and concern of his parents, physical therapist, coach and best friend, Travis demonstrates what true bravery is: He continues to compete on the gridiron and helps his team advance to the state finals. My Thoughts I watched t...

Another Week Has Passed #22weekspregnant #pregnancyjournal #pregnancyjourney

The big 22! Haha. It seems like only yesterday I found out I was pregnant. Not. It has been a longer journey for me since I found out so early. I thought I was five weeks, only to find out that I was 3. So yes, it has been a little long, but now I have only 18 more weeks to go. I can do this. If you look closely at my belly, the top part seems to be growing a little faster than the bottom. A bit funny looking, but I'm sure it'll even out soon.  Nausea, nausea, and more nausea!! My MIL made sirloin burgers for her husband and herself while I was cooking dinner for my husband, son, and I, and I had to run to the bathroom and puke. The smell of beef or any other animal, minus eggs, still triggers my gag reflex. Ugh. So over the morning sickness. I finally broke down and bought Preggie Pop Drops and Preggie Natural Chews. Hoping maybe they'll do something. ANYTHING is better than nothing. The baby kicked my husband's hand the other night and it was so hard. ...

Wow #21weekspregnant! Counting Down The Weeks Till Labor #pregnancyjournal #pregnancyjourney

Yes I have passed another week. I've gained a total of 7 pounds now. My baby's kicks are a lot harder than before. She is so, so active. I've been playing music for her and talking to her everyday. My husband and I have been going over different names. We've narrowed it down to a couple but I won't be announcing any names till a bit further down the line. You never know--we might change our minds. Tummy is noticeably rounder, I think.  I've been eating a lot more. One of my current favorite things to eat every single day is crunchy peanut butter. I can't seem to get enough of it. So many other foods are causing me to gag or full out vomit. :( So gross I know. No more leg cramps and no signs of my Sciatica, so at least I have a little bit of good news, right? I don't really have too many other issues besides the achiness in my back and ligaments, or the occasional headache and lack of sleep.  My skin looks good---with my son I was breaki...

Loving My New Yoga Bag #YogaAddict

Check out my new yoga bag from YogaAddict. First off, I love the colors--purple and black are two of my favorite colors. It is made from heavy duty, durable and strong material. Easy to clean as well. There are two big zippered pockets on the sides and one pocket in the middle with drawstring, to hold a cup or water bottle.  The handle is thick, there is a velcro closure that can hold both straps together. There is also an adjustable longer strap that comes with the bag in case you prefer using a shoulder strap. There is a lot of space inside of the bag. I love how big it is!  There is also a zippered pocket inside of the bag for storing your keys or any other small personal items you need to carry along with you. I'm able to fit my yoga mat, two yoga towels, my keys, some makeup, contact lens case, sunglasses, and there's still quite a bit of room left over. I can also store additional stuff in the outer pockets! Like I said, there's ...

Compression Shirt for Women #GoddessRashGuards

I have always been a huge fan of staying fit. I may not be able to exercise like before, but I still try to get in some stretching, walking, tiny weights, and a bit of yoga during this pregnancy. I like to wear cute gym clothes while doing so. This is the first compression shirt that I've ever worn before. It's a Goddess RashGuard Compression Shirt for women. These shirts run a bit small-hence the word, "compression", and since I'm in my second trimester of pregnancy, I made sure to order one that was a size large. It is a little snug, but not uncomfortably so. I like the way the material feels against my skin. The length is perfect too. I like that this shirt is good for all kinds of activities such as running, working out, and sun protection. If you're into surfing, biking, or MMA, then this shirt is great for that too. I'm not going to lie, I've even worn it under shirts just to keep a little warmer.  I do like this shirt and told ...

Purex PowerShot Laundry Detergent Review and Giveaway! Ends 2/7/14! #Purex #PurexInsiders #Laundry #PurexPowerShot

And the piles of laundry just seem to be never ending, week after week, after week.  Isn't doing several loads of laundry fun? Ha. I wish. I do my laundry, my husband's laundry, and our son's laundry a few times a week. We go through laundry detergent like nobody's business. One of my favorite brands to use is Purex because my clothes always come out so clean. As a member of Purex Insiders I was sent a complimentary bottle of one of their newest types of laundry detergent: Purex PowerShot ,  along with some $1.50 coupons to share and a couple of coupons for a giveaway, which I will talk about at the end of this post. Company's Product Description Auto-dosing technology  does the measuring for you (automatically dispenses the right amount of detergent) No guesswork and no mess  makes doing laundry easier Super-concentrated  formula with 50% more stain fighting power per drop* It is now one of my favorite laundry detergents and it comes i...

Measupro Pulse Oximeter #MeasuProProducts

My mom has Diabetes and was told that it is a great idea to keep track of her pulse as well as her oxygen levels. With the Measupro Pulse Oximeter she's able to do both. I was sent one to review recently . Company's Product Description Provides accurate information about your blood oxygen saturation levels and pulse rate It has a rotating easy to read screen that makes measurements easily visible from many different angles. Features an OLED display To get a reading, simply place your fingertip inside the device. Has a comfortable, durable cushion while you take your measurements Designed to be small, compact, portable, and user friendly, includes an oximeter case for protection and neck lanyard so you can keep the device handy Powered by two AAA alkaline batteries and an easy access battery compartment. The device will automatically shut off after five seconds of inactivity Included in the box were an easy release lanyard, pulse oximeter, 2 ...

Halfway Mark in My Pregnancy--YAY! #20weekspregnant #pregnancyjourney #pregnancyjournal

Yes this is the 20th week of my pregnancy with my baby girl. ** Insert a sigh of relief right here** If I could jump up for joy right now, I would.  So baby and I are looking good right now according to doctor. I haven't gained the full ten pounds that many women have gained around this time, but that's probably mainly, but not completely, due to my morning sickness which has been happening almost everyday again. Why, why, why? I'm just lucky I guess. HA, LUCKY????? I feel like crying. Morning sickness---I hate you. Baby girl, we will get through this. I love you. Check out the belly! There's a total of 6 pounds added and dispersed throughout my body right now, particularly in the tummy region, according to this photo :) I am having so much trouble fitting into my clothes. I've also been pretty exhausted but that's also due to the fact that it's really difficult getting comfortable enough to sleep throughout the night. Oh yeah, and I stil...

Reach It Grab It Reacher Grabber Pick Stick #ReachitGrabit

The further along that I get in this pregnancy, the more difficult it seems to be for me to do a lot of things that I could do before. I  especially get tired more easily and it's harder for me to reach things. I had seen similar products to this reacher grabber pick stick but had never actually used one until recently. Here is the one that I received: Company's Product Details • Easy to use, perfect for the old and young  • Strong grip with and non-slip jaws  • Reliable smooth mechanism made from high quality precision components  • Sturdy construction for years of happy grabbing  • Easy to use ergonomic design Benefits of 'Reach it Grab it'  • Improves quality of life for people with back pain including spinal injuries, arthritis, knee, hip and joint pain that would otherwise be too difficult or too painful.  • Picking up objects dropped/lost in tight spaces can be difficult even when using a normal reaching aid. Our  'Re...

Want Baby Soft Skin?? Keomi Skincare #NaturalSkincare

You might have heard me complain quite a bit before about getting dry skin during the colder months. Ugh. I hate it. Don't you? Or are you one of the lucky people who doesn't suffer from dry or chapped skin when it starts to get colder? I also tend to wash my hands A LOT and my hands just get even dryer.  I go through a ton of different moisturizers. I love natural products as most of you know, and Keomi Skincare just so happens to have a product called All Natural Hand Therapy that has made my hands softer and smoother than they've been in a long time.    Company's Product Description *     100%  Natural  &  Vegan *     Enriched with  Shea  &  Cocoa Butter  for maximum moisturizing *    Infused with  Organic Herbs  &  Plant Extracts *    Fortified with  Multi-Vitamins  &  Anti Oxidants * ...

Let There Be Light Children's Book Review #booklookbloggers #bookreview

I was sent another book for reviewing purposes and it just so happened to be a children's book.I thought it might be a good book for my six year old to read. You see, he loves to read all kinds of different books and so I'm constantly adding a few new ones every couple of weeks. No joke, this little boy has shelf after shelf filled with so many different books. He's just like my husband and I-he LOVES to read. One of the latest books that he read and really liked was a book called, Let There Be Light, by Archbishop Desmond Tutu. Nancy Tillman is the illustrator. Book Description A boardbook edition of the popular  Let There Be Light , the story of Creation from Nobel Peace Prize winner, bestselling author, and cultural icon Archbishop Desmond Tutu paired with Nancy Tillman, the phenomenally successful New York Times bestselling children’s author/illustrator of  On the Night You Were Born. Now available as a board book, Let There Be Light combines the love...

Etekcity Essentials 8 GB USB Voice Recorder #etekcity

I love to try out new electronic devices. Do you remember those old cassette tape voice recorders? I used to own two of those years ago. I used them in school pretty often. Well, these days, tapes are pretty outdated. Now there are Voice Recorders that can transmit voice files to your computer via USB. I received one from Eteckcity to review recently.   Company's Product Description Voice recorder/Hidden recording + U disk function/8 GB Memory Easy to use On/Off switch; just plug-and-play, no drive need Great for classes, lectures, meetings, interviews and the like Mini portable size design brings you much more convenience Low power consumption, lasts up to 15 hrs. on a single charge There is a mic on one side, along with a record and stop switch. You can attach this to your keychain, along the metal loop on the edge. I was happy when I first received this product because I thought it would be a great device to carry around with m...