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Showing posts from July, 2012

What it Took to Meet the Man of My Dreams

I am engaged to my soulmate. I know, I know, you've heard it all before right? Well, I really am. I met Ryan a few years ago on my birthday. Let me tell you, it was very unexpected. Here's my story: I've had the WORST luck in relationships in the past. I've dated one cheater after another. No one I dated treated me right. I've been emotionally, mentally and physically abused one too many times. I won't bore you with stories about any of those relationships though. They are in the past and over with. Thank God! (I am going to briefly talk about the last one though) My last relationship lasted more than a year and it was with a very immature, lying, cheating guy. It was a VERY irritating and stressful time for me. I also got pregnant. During most of my pregnancy, I spent most of my time alone or at my mother's house with her and my sister. The guy I was dating was constantly out with "friends", supposedly "working", somewhere

Who am I?

Ok, so you accidentally stumbled across my blog page because you hit "Next blog" or whatever, at the top of the screen, right? And now you're like, who is this woman? Well, allow me to introduce myself... You can call me Lilith. Nice to meet you!! I am a mommy, a fiancee, a big sister, a daughter, and an aunt. I love to write, draw, sing, dance, workout, play with my son, cook, meditate, do yoga, eat healthy, read A LOT, and make people laugh. At the moment, I am currently trying to homeschool my son, trying to build quality lenses on, and trying to get a book published. My fiance and I recently completed a book. It is a paranormal/horror type novel and consists of about 140,000 words. We worked really hard on it and getting it published is the next step. We tried getting it out to publishing agents with a number of query letters, but have started to consider self-publishing instead. I am in the process of editing it and self-publishing through