I LOVE Halloween! I don't have as many decorations up this year, but the ones that I do have are pretty awesome this year. Check out my cute spider buddy! He has some really long legs that are adjustable. You can have him standing or attach him to a big web, or even hang him up. Here's a close up of his little face: There is a bungee cord that is attached to him, for hanging purposes. Also, if you put batteries inside of this little guy, his red eyes will not only light up, but he also makes a spooky sound! He is motion activated, so you just flip the switch to on and whenever a trick or treater comes near him, he will make noise. Cool, right? Alright, so I do love that he does that, but I must warn you that he is a bit loud. If you get easily annoyed by repetitious loud sounds, like I do, you might want to just use him as a quiet decoration! I'll leave him on only for tonight when the kiddos are trick or treating. Even withou...