Yes this is the 20th week of my pregnancy with my baby girl. **Insert a sigh of relief right here**
If I could jump up for joy right now, I would.
So baby and I are looking good right now according to doctor. I haven't gained the full ten pounds that many women have gained around this time, but that's probably mainly, but not completely, due to my morning sickness which has been happening almost everyday again.
Why, why, why? I'm just lucky I guess. HA, LUCKY?????
I feel like crying. Morning sickness---I hate you.
Baby girl, we will get through this. I love you.
Check out the belly! There's a total of 6 pounds added and dispersed throughout my body right now, particularly in the tummy region, according to this photo :)
I am having so much trouble fitting into my clothes. I've also been pretty exhausted but that's also due to the fact that it's really difficult getting comfortable enough to sleep throughout the night. Oh yeah, and I still have to get up every few hours to use the bathroom.
Yeah, I'm sure you can see the exhaustion in my face here. I also wanted to show off this really cute pregnancy shirt that I ordered from Etsy. I love it and it was about $6.
Forgot to add that my husband and I are taking birthing classes together. Lot of interesting info that I needed to be reminded about. Like I've said before, I was pregnant about 6 years ago, so of course I can use a few refresher courses. My husband is definitely learning a lot of great stuff as well.
Baby's Progress
My little girl is about 10.5 oz and around 6 inches, head to toe. Wow. She's growing so fast! That's about the size of a banana.
#20weekspregnant #pregnancyjournal #pregnancyjourney
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