Yes I have passed another week. I've gained a total of 7 pounds now. My baby's kicks are a lot harder than before. She is so, so active. I've been playing music for her and talking to her everyday. My husband and I have been going over different names. We've narrowed it down to a couple but I won't be announcing any names till a bit further down the line. You never know--we might change our minds.
Tummy is noticeably rounder, I think.
I've been eating a lot more. One of my current favorite things to eat every single day is crunchy peanut butter. I can't seem to get enough of it.
So many other foods are causing me to gag or full out vomit. :( So gross I know.
No more leg cramps and no signs of my Sciatica, so at least I have a little bit of good news, right?
I don't really have too many other issues besides the achiness in my back and ligaments, or the occasional headache and lack of sleep.
My skin looks good---with my son I was breaking out like crazy. I think all of the cleaner eating this time around has helped dramatically. My nails and hair are growing like magic too.
Baby's Progress
My baby almost weighs an entire pound and is 10.5 inches long, from head to toe. This is around the size of a carrot. What's crazy is that I was born at around 6 and a half months and was 10.5 inches long. Can't believe she's already that size!
#21weekspregnant #pregnancyjourney #pregnancyjournal #secondtrimester
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