I am in my early thirties, and although I started to get gray strands of hair a few years ago, I don't really have wrinkles.
This last pregnancy made me feel like I was in high school again and I started having some skin issues that I didn't expect to have. Some acne and blotchiness came back, toward the end... A couple of fine lines on my forehead and some light bags under my eyes, maybe some loss of elasticity has been seen
you don't notice it much anymore.
Perhaps it is because I take better care of my skin these days. Not only do I consume a vegan diet, but I also use topical products on my face. I use Vitamin C Serum and Hyaluronic Acid, but after those two have dried, I take it a step further and apply a collagen gel.
This is the only collagen gel that I have been using regualrly, and I must say that it is a wonderful product. My face feels nice and dewy. It stays moisturized and I have not experienced any irritation from use. Some gels that I've tried on my face have made my skin dry put and peel. This one is so much gentler on my skin.
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