I'm literally in shock at how quickly this year has sped by. Tomorrow is already New Year's Eve. Oh my gosh.
It was a very busy year for me being pregnant, having morning sickness, being hospitalized more than once, and meeting my baby girl.
I gained weight, I lost weight, I went mostly vegan with the occasional vegetarian meal.
I reviewed so many new products.
I didn't blog as much as I would have liked to, but I seriously had so much going on. I'm still trying to catch up on reviews...
2016 is not too far away and I'm ready for it.
I expect it to be a great year. I want to try and eat healthier- more raw vegan meals and hopefully close to zero vegetarian meals.
I want to exercise and do yoga and meditate often. I want a flat tummy for summer!
I want to get out more with the kids. It's exciting because my almost 8 month old is starting to cruise around and trying to walk more so there will be a ton of new things to experience with her when we go places. She'll be able to explore more and more.
My son will be 8 mid year and I can't wait to see the new things his brain will come up with. He is my smarty pants.
My husband will be completing work on another house and hopefully getting a break so we can all go on vacation together again.
I'm hoping to see the beach again since we missed it this year.
There is so much that I want to try and accomplish next year. I'm so excited to see what is coming my way.
I will have many more reviews as well as awesome giveaways for you all to enter too~
I hope you all have a wonderful and blessed New Year's Eve and I wish the best for you all in the upcoming year. Thank you for reading my posts!!!
What are you all hoping to accomplish in the next year?
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