Is it over yet? Ha.
I'm 23 weeks pregnant. Feeling like a whale.
My tummy is definitely noticeably larger.
It's slightly lopsided. Well the top sticks out more than the bottom. It's easier to tell in person. I think my belly button is starting to pop out just a little bit too.
How's my morning sickness? Ugh. Gone for a couple of days. Not completely gone, I'm sure...I'm trying so hard to be positive, but every time that I think it's gone, it comes right back again.
Miserable when it happens. Still thrilled there's a baby in my tummy though. Just rough, you know?
I'm still eating vegetarian meals with a couple of eggs from time to time. The smells of meats and poultry don't seem to make me vomit as easily anymore. Good sign, right?
Other than that...hmmm...
My husband and I are practically done with our birthing classes. I feel good about it. My husband and I really learned a ton in those classes. Ha-they even had him dressed up as a pregnant woman with a pregnant tummy vest! It was fun to watch him partake in this skit before the class. The doulas had him in full hospital gear and he had to pretend he was in labor! Wish I had a video. :) He was a little embarrassed but it was good practice for him, I think.
By the way, I'm seriously considering having a doula present for this birth. I've always wanted one.
I've been so, so sleepy. Trying to find just the right position to sleep in now that I have to avoid sleeping on my back is a bit tough sometimes. Especially since my baby girl loves to kick around when I finally do find something that's comfy.
My son finally felt her kick and the look on his face was so cute. He was so happy. He ran all the way downstairs to let everybody know.
How's baby doing?
Shes' a little more than 11 inches from head to toe! She also weighs a little over a pound. She's about the size of a mango. Woah. She can feel me moving and dancing.
She can hear better now.
In fact, when my MIL turned on the garbage disposal, I felt my baby jump pretty hard inside. Poor kiddo. Sound scared me too.
I've been watching her move a bit in there. Love seeing that. Although I've been pregnant before, it still fascinates me to watch. It's only going to get better.
#23weekspregnant #babynumber2 #pregnancyjourney #pregnancyjournal
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