I home school my son and try to use a variety of different tools in our projects and school work. I was happy to receive this Smart Weigh Digital Scale because I thought it could be pretty useful and fun for him to use too.
Company's Product Description
- Stainless steel 3.94” x 3.7” platform
- Four sleek chrome buttons
- Features a clear LCD screen lit by a bright blue backlight; will display readings in g, OZ, OZT, dwt, GN, and CT
- Weighs up to 500 grams in 0.01 Increments
- Includes 2 AAA batteries
- 2 minute shut off feature
- Tare function will provide a net weight
This digital scale comes with two clear lids, one small, one big. You can use either one on top of the scale when you're trying to weigh something with a rounded bottom or that might just be a little bigger than the top part of the scale.
The blue backlit LCD display is a great size and easy to read when measuring.
My Thoughts
Although this digital scale is called a pocket scale, it's really a bit big to be slipped into your pocket, but it is really lightweight and easy to take along with you. It's nice looking, the buttons and features are all fairly easy to use. The Tare function is great because it can give you the weight of something minus the lid or box that the object is inside of.
My son has been using this scale when we've been working on various science and math projects. He loves using it so much.
I also think that this scale can be useful in the kitchen if you need to weigh certain portion sizes of your foods.
Another use? Use it to weigh small objects before shipping! Very handy, especially if you do print and ship from your own home.
My Thoughts
Although this digital scale is called a pocket scale, it's really a bit big to be slipped into your pocket, but it is really lightweight and easy to take along with you. It's nice looking, the buttons and features are all fairly easy to use. The Tare function is great because it can give you the weight of something minus the lid or box that the object is inside of.
My son has been using this scale when we've been working on various science and math projects. He loves using it so much.
I also think that this scale can be useful in the kitchen if you need to weigh certain portion sizes of your foods.
Another use? Use it to weigh small objects before shipping! Very handy, especially if you do print and ship from your own home.
If this looks like a product that you would like to own as well, you can buy this digital scale on Amazon.
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