Disclaimer: I received this product for free from BuView in exchange for my honest review.
Sometimes I'll come across a book that will just stick with me...You know what I mean? I've even had dreams about some of the things discussed in it!
Sometimes I'll come across a book that will just stick with me...You know what I mean? I've even had dreams about some of the things discussed in it!
I recently got done reading, "Search For The Guru" by Peter Mt. Shasta. This is the first book that I've ever read by this author, but I am glad that I had the opportunity to do so.
Title: Search For The Guru (Prequel to Adventures of a Western Mystic)
Author: Peter Mt. Shasta
Genre: New Age
In the tradition of Yogananda's, "Autobiography of a Yogi," this is the first half of Peter Mt. Shasta's adventures on the quest for a spiritual teacher and, ultimately, enlightenment. It is the Revised Edition of the first volume (prequel) of Adventures of a Western Mystic, a two volume set, the second part of which was previously published under the subtitle, "Apprentice to the Masters." This revised edition gives the fascinating personal story of his earliest memory prior to birth and traces his awakening in youth to the first moments of expanded consciousness. It is the poignant account of his days in New York City in the '70s, living on the Lower East Side, and his call to India after hearing Baba Ram Dass interviewed about his transformation from Harvard professor to follower of the guru, Neem Karoli Baba. In search of his own guru, Peter travels to India and meets, not only Neem Karoli Baba (Maharajji), but Anandamayi Ma, Sathya Sai Baba and many other saints, siddhas and illumined beings. Gradually, he begins to realize that the guru he is looking for is within himself, and returns to the West. He gives fascinating accounts of his experiences in America with Trungpa Rinpoche, Chagdud Rinpoche, Joseph Sunhawk and others. The book ends with him leaving driving across the Golden Gate Bridge, heading for a rendezvous in Muir Woods with the Master who offers him final liberation. For a description of this meeting and the adventures that follow with the Ascended Masters, read part two, "Adventures of a Western Mystic: Apprentice to the Masters." The author is widely known as one to whom various Ascended Masters appeared in visible form to transmit the spiritual discourses, "I AM the Open Door" (1977). He is also the author of "I AM Affirmations and the Secret of their Effective Use." He has given teachings and retreats in Europe as well as the US on bringing the "I AM" Consciousness into daily life for the purpose of self mastery and planetary service.
My Thoughts on This Book
I really enjoyed reading this book. It was interesting,
surprising, personal, eye-opening, it was unique. I've read a number of New Age
books in the past, but they were far from similar.
Reading this book gave me an entirely different perspective of
what I thought was mainly going on during the 60's and 70's. Whenever, I
previously thought about those eras I always imagined hippies, music, drugs,
and bright colors. I never really thought about people being very spiritual
during that time. This book was a real eye-opener.
I would most definitely suggest this book to someone who is
interested in becoming more spiritual or just in search of a new way of looking
at life. I do, however, believe that a person should approach this book with an
extremely open mind, as a lot of the events that occur may not be so easy for
people to believe. Did they actually happen or was it all just one big drug induced adventure, since it was in fact during the hippie era? I, on the other hand, believe that anything is possible. I've had several things happen in my life that could not be explained very easily, nor would everybody believe...
The book gives insight into the origin of the New Age movement
of the 60s and 70s. I learned a lot of things that I knew nothing about during
that time period.
Yes, very much so. After reading this entire book, I feel like I
learned a lot of new things and ideas. I suddenly have the urge to meditate
more, do more yoga, focus on some more "me" time to become more in
touch with my inner being. I want to be more spiritual. I want to become more
enlightened. I think that it can do the same to others.
Peter Mt. Shasta experienced so many mind blowing events. He met some amazing people. He faced a lot of hard times and discouraging moments throughout this book. He almost died. He also learned so much while on his incredible adventure. He continued to search for his Guru, for God.
You know, I've always truly believed that everything in life happens for a reason. We all face struggles and difficult situations that we might not think we'll ever be able to get through. There are several things surrounding us distracting us from the things that are really important. Learning how to get through and past these things is what helps us to grow, mentally and spiritually.
You know, I've always truly believed that everything in life happens for a reason. We all face struggles and difficult situations that we might not think we'll ever be able to get through. There are several things surrounding us distracting us from the things that are really important. Learning how to get through and past these things is what helps us to grow, mentally and spiritually.
I love this book and would love to read the next one. I want to
know where he went next on his journey. I want to know who else he met and what
new things he learned.
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