Do I ever get tired of reading as often as I do? Never. I love books. I love being entertained by some and learning a lot from others. I don't normally tend to read books in the self-help genre, but I decided to give this particular book a try.
Title: Keep Calm and Ask On: A No-Nonsense Guide to Fulfilling Your Dreams
Author: Michael Samuels
Genre: Self-help
Hot off the heels of his international best seller "Just Ask the Universe" and his critically acclaimed follow up "The Universe-ity", Michael Samuels returns with a fun and witty practical manual called "Keep Calm and Ask On: A No-Nonsense Guide to Fulfilling Your Dreams." With a few easy and entertaining steps, Samuels will inspire you that living the life of your dreams is not all that hard. It’s actually easier than you think. He will show you how to further develop your “I want” list to make your goals become a reality. He will also show how music and laughter are the two keys to unlocking a greater life. Samuels has studied the teachings of the greats just to pass the word around in a simple and no-frills manner. This is not some drawn-out, monotonous Law of Attraction book that only teaches you a small piece of the subconscious puzzle. The answers are here and Samuels did the research to give you the total picture with no hype or tricks. If you want something, the universe will deliver! Just remember to keep calm and ask on…
My Thoughts on This Book
First of all, one of the reasons that I don't normally like to read self-help books is because I find that I end up disagreeing with most of the things that are said in the books. I don't always like to be told what I should be doing or something they might say might completely contradict my own personal values/beliefs.
This book is different. I actually found myself agreeing with a lot of things. Michael's advice and suggestions just make so much sense to me. He opened my eyes a lot and has made me really think about my own life and how I am going to make it even better from this day forward.
There are points in the book where he asks you to write certain things down; certain questions to ask yourself. Well, you better believe that I sure did get a notebook and write down those questions and replied with my own answers! I wrote down all of my wants as he suggested. I also took a bunch of notes. I wrote down several of his quotes because they are really something to think about.
I have a lot of wants, but before reading this book, I had no idea how to get those wants fulfilled. Michael made it clear to me that I should really think about why I have these wants. Who will I become on that journey to my wants? How will I feel once I'm there?
These are all great things for me to consider.
One really important thing that he says in the book that really stuck with me is, "The bigger the enemy, the bigger the obstacle, the bigger the reward." This is something that I truly agree with. We learn from EVERY experience and person that comes into our lives, good or bad.
Michael suggests adding a variety of music into your life. Make a playlist. Listen to music often. It can definitely change your life, help you be more creative, alter your mood, and more. I have always been a huge fan of music. My husband and I are both musicians and are aware of the positive results that music can have on one's life.
Also I agree that laughter is important. It's the best medicine. Laugh when you're happy, when you're angry, when you've had a bad day...Just laugh.
I love the way that his words flow from page to page. He was humorous in some areas, while still being serious. I like that.
This book wasn't very long but it didn't have to be. Everything was thoroughly explained and I feel like I learned a lot of useful information.
This is definitely a book that I will talk about for years to come. I'll follow what I've learned in this book and share it with everyone that I feel could benefit from it. I've already gotten my husband really hyped up to read this book!.
Whenever I feel like I'm in a rut, this will be the book that I open up and turn to.
Excellent book and I want to read more of his works.
You can purchase your own copy on Amazon.
Feel free to connect with Michael:
**Disclaimer: I was compensated for this book review. However, all opinions expressed are solely my own and in no way influenced.**
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