As you know, I love to have several giveaways for my readers here on my blog, but I had never really considered entering them myself. Then one day, I just said, why not? and decided to enter one...and then another...and another. Now, I'm a little hooked on them! They're fun and I get to read several different interesting blog posts in the process. I am now following several blogs that I really enjoy reading on a regular basis.
Here are some of the prizes that I've recently won:
Hamilton Beach Soft Scrape Hand Mixer
I entered at Saving U Green. Great giveaways :) This blender looks pretty cool and I can't wait to try this since I love being in the kitchen!

Halo Extensions from Effortless Extensions
I entered at: Giveaway Monkey's Blog. You should definitely check out the very cool giveaways that are constantly running on this site. Sadly, these don't blend into my hair very well, yet, but it might be because my hair is still slightly too short. I will post up pics when they fit in better with my hair. The hair quality looks good, and it can be styled with heating tools as well. They're also a pretty cool concept because of the fact that they cause no damage to your hair. They have a thin fishing wire like cord that wraps around your head and you just pull hair over it to blend it in!
Pick One Product of Choice from Merlot Skin Care Line
I entered at: Jessica Shiflett's Blog but I can't seem to find the link :(
I picked the grape seed oil so I could try it out on my hair and they sent me a bonus travel size moisturizer and samples of their night cream as well. Can't wait to try all of these!
Cariloha Bamboo Dress
I entered at: Celebrate Women Today. Check out their latest giveaways! I haven't received the dress yet, but it should be getting here any day now and then I'll post up a pic.
I love all of the prizes. I've entered a few more that haven't ended yet. Wish me luck :) And don't forget to check back to see which giveaways I have going on too!
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