For my latest product review I received a FREE Micro Touch Switchblade. I figured it would be something that my husband could try out.
Well, if you're not too familiar with this product, it's basically a head-to-toe body groomer.
According to the box, it "trims hair anywhere with micro PRECISION!"
The box also says that it is a:
6 piece set with
You've probably seen the commercials for this product, right?
- a built-in light
- 4 snap on guides
- German stainless steel blades
- can be used on nose, ear, eyebrows, neckline, and side burns
- great for haircuts, arms, legs, back, chest, and more
- battery operated by 2 AAA batteries (not included)
- gentle on sensitive skin
This is what it looks like inside the box |
Instruction guide (A definite read before using this product!) |
This is what the Micro Touch Switchblade looks like without the attachments |
Attachments on the left, cleaning brush, and micro touch switchblade |
For full size grooming (haircuts, chest, legs, arms, back) |
For precision trimming (ears, nose, eyebrows, side burns, neckline) |
Built-in light |
6 mm attachment |
2 mm on left and 4 mm on right side |
Smaller attachment comb for full size trimmer |
Larger attachment comb for full size trimmer |
Here are some before and after photos of my husband using the Micro Touch Switchblade
Before |
Before |
After |
After |
After What did he think about the Micro Touch Switchblade? He liked it, but didn't love it. Here is what he told me about it Let's start with the Pros:
My Final Thoughts?
* I'm happy that he did like the product. I wish it had been something that he could love, but it's not.
* Also, I added in earlier that you should read the instruction manual before using this product. I said this because yes the blades are pretty sharp. I think that the bottom part (the bigger blades) can slice your hand if your not careful. You are supposed to slide the orange panel upwards to uncover the blade. Well, as soon as you slide it up as far as it goes, the trimmer turns on. If you slide it up carelessly, I think it is really possible to cut your hands! I think that the bottom blade should have some sort of safety latch?
* I was playing around with it before my husband used it and was switching between the attachment combs and it turned on while I was attaching the comb--this seems a little dangerous in my opinion--but maybe this is not such a big deal for other people? I would think you might slice your hand by accident. I honestly think that this part of the invention should have been thought through a bit better
* I like that the top part of the groomer has a lid, unlike the bottom half
* I agree that it is a perfect size for traveling purposes
*I do like the fact that it has a really bright light because I think that would help you see the hair on your skin better--you know, especially the tiny or lighter hairs
*I like that the top trimmer has a power button on the back of groomer that is easy to press on and off
I do think that many men may find this product beneficial for quick grooming. I'm not too sure how well it would work for a haircut. My husband didn't use it to cut his hair because his hair is already as short as he likes it. He said he would rather use his regular clippers for this purpose. He did, however say he wouldn't mind using it again for simple maintenance on his face, minus under his chin, since it slightly hurt that part.
I don't know how well it would work on eyebrows, nose or ears. He doesn't have enough hair to trim in those areas, so he didn't use it there. If I were a male though, I don't know how safe I would feel using this blade near my nose or ears. I know it says that it's gentle on sensitive skin, but my husband says it's really not--well at least not on his skin!
If you are going to use the Micro Touch Switchblade, my husband says its more gentle while using the attachments rather than using the blades alone.
Is it easy to clean?
Yes, with the tiny cleaning brush that is included. Just do it carefully so you don't get the tiny bristles caught between the blades, which I noticed happened a little while my husband and I took turns cleaning it.
For more information on Idea Village Proucts
**Disclaimer: I do not work for Idea Village, nor am I being paid monetarily for my review. I received the product in exchange for an honest review. All opinions expressed are solely my husband's or my own.**
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