I just got married! Yay!
My package just so happened to arrive right on time. It came a few hours before my wedding.
Yup, these are all of the goodies that were inside, minus the bouquet. (I made that bouquet myself and just thought it looked pretty next to my package.)
I received:
- 2 pairs of KISS everEzlashes with coupon for $1 off
- 2 packs of Q-Tips Precision Tips
- Dr. Scholl's For Her Ball of Foot Cushions
- Luster NOW Toothpaste with coupons for other Luster products
- 1 credit card sized Urgent Rx Headache Relief To-Go Powder in Lemon-Lime flavor
- My TrioRings catalog w/ a chance to win a diamond and gold Trio Ring set
I love FREE goodies!Since it was my wedding day I wanted to try and use several of these products.
I used the Q-Tips Precision Tips to apply my eye shadow and to fix my eyeliner. They have a sort of pointed tip that makes applying eye makeup so much easier. I love these. I love everything about them. I also love the little case that they come in. Small enough to carry in my purse for touch ups. Also comes with 30 in each case which is enough to last me for a good while. I recommend these and will be buying some more when I run out.
(These are valued between $2.59- $3.35)
The second product I was looking forward to using was the pack of Dr. Scholl's For Her Ball of Foot Cushions. I currently use the Dr. Scholl's Massaging Gel Insoles in my sneakers and they are amazing so I really thought that these would work great in my wedding heels. Sadly, no matter how many times I readjusted them in my heels, they just felt really uncomfortable. I kept removing them and re-positioned them a number of times but I simply could not get them to fit comfortably under my feet. I tried walking around in them for a bit but they were terrible in my shoes. They are made to supposedly "prevent ball of foot pain in any women's shoe so you don't have to sacrifice fashion for comfort". I ended up using some other brand of cushions in my high heels because these particular ones actually made my have a bit of foot pain. Perhaps they might work better in another pair of my shoes. I will eventually try them again...
( These are valued at $6.99)
The next product that I tried was the Luster NOW Toothpaste which uses Blueverite technology to create the optical effect of instantly whiter teeth. What bride wouldn't want a pretty bright white smile on her wedding day? I couldn't wait to see the results! I squeezed a strip of the super bright bluish toothpaste onto my brush and brushed away. It had a pretty good taste and left my mouth very fresh and clean. Did it make my teeth whiter? Honestly, not by much, but they did have a certain shine to them that I liked. Yes, I will be using this again. Maybe after using it a few times it will make my teeth look whiter.
(This tube is valued at $7.99--pricier than what I would normally pay for any toothpaste)
I haven't tried the KISS everEZlashes but I really want to. I can never seem to apply false lashes correctly. They never want to stay on my lids for some reason. These actually come with an applicator and hopefully better glue than I've tried before. I've never used an applicator but I like that these come with one. The only reason that I didn't use either of these pairs of lashes on my wedding day was because I was afraid that I wasn't going to apply them properly or that they would come off during the ceremony...I just decided that I'm going to try them out during the next date night this weekend. Both pairs look really cool so I'm looking forward to trying either. My real lashes are already long and curvy, which I love, and usually I just use a few coats of mascara. People are always asking me if they're fake! Wonder how fake lashes will actually make my real lashes look. :) I will post up an update after I use them.
(A duo pack is valued at $4.98--they come in a variety of styles that can be worn on any day or for formal events!)
The other product that I have yet to try is the credit card sized packet of Urgent Rx Fast Powder for headache relief. It came in Lemon-Lime flavor. This is small enough to fit in your wallet in a business card slot, in your purse, or in your pocket. According to the packet, you don't need water! You can just swallow the powder for quick relief. I would love to try this product out to see how well it works so the next time that I have a headache I am going to use this. I will post up the results after I try it. I love the size, love that it comes in a variety of flavors and love that you don't need any water with it.
(This is valued at $1.39)
Lastly, I looked through the My Trio Rings catalog and there are some really beautiful rings inside. The trio set comes with three matching rings-the bride's band, the groom's band and the engagement ring! There are also many single bands. There are many different ones to choose from, white gold, yellow gold, beautiful diamonds, wedding bands, engagement rings, anniversary rings and so on. They offer NO FEE layaway on their authentic diamond rings! There is also a 30 day return guarantee and they come with a complimentary Certificate of Authenticity. There are gorgeous rings in the catalog priced as low as $379.99 and up! You can go online to view many other rings that were not included in the paper catalog. They also have pendants and earrings. I love so many of the rings, but I can't afford to buy any at the moment. However, there is a contest that they have going on that I am going to enter so that I might just win my own set. That would be AWESOME!
**Disclaimer: I received these products complimentary for testing purposes from Influenster.**
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