As a child I was always terrified of going to the dentist. And no, it wasn't because I had a really horrible experience. Well, not one that I can remember. I think maybe I was scared because I watched as my sister got several injections in her mouth. I can't remember what the procedure was, but i don't remember her ever getting fillings or having an extraction. All I can recall were the needles being put in her mouth...
I had severe Belonaphobia (don't know if i spelled that correctly but I'm talking about the fear of needles). So, seeing a series of injections being put into my younger sister's mouth freaked me out. Anyway, one day, years later the dentist told me I was going to have to have a tooth pulled because it grew out in an odd place and I kept putting it off. It wasn't visible when I spoke, nor did it bother me or cause me any pain, so I never got it pulled and even avoided gong to the dentist once I no longer had dental insurance...Dumb idea, I know...
Many, many years later I got a really bad tooth infection in one of my bottom wisdom tooth areas. I had been getting sick for a few days but had no pain so had no idea it was being caused by my tooth. I had frequent headaches and sluggishness, and even one day I woke up with one of the worst headaches I've ever gotten in my life, accompanied by a pretty high fever. I was even seeing spots. Took some meds to lower the fever, drank lots of water and tea. Got over that, but continued to feel terrible. I honestly started to think I was dying. Then my ear was hurting a bit and i thought I had a bad ear infection. Went to a nearby clinic and they gave me amoxicillin. That helped a bit but i still felt slightly ill. I looked all over the unternet and started finding other people's stories with similar symptoms who ended up learning that it was all caused by an infected tooth. Read that a bad infection could spread and even lead to death!! I have a little family and so I knew I had to go get it checked out. I had to get over my dental fears.
My fiance' suggested I go to his dentist and I found out that my tooth was very infected. They suggested a pull and after talking to my fiance and my dad, I decided that it would be best. Got it out a week later and instantly felt so much better! It was amazing to me!
I honestly had no idea...
I had severe Belonaphobia (don't know if i spelled that correctly but I'm talking about the fear of needles). So, seeing a series of injections being put into my younger sister's mouth freaked me out. Anyway, one day, years later the dentist told me I was going to have to have a tooth pulled because it grew out in an odd place and I kept putting it off. It wasn't visible when I spoke, nor did it bother me or cause me any pain, so I never got it pulled and even avoided gong to the dentist once I no longer had dental insurance...Dumb idea, I know...
Many, many years later I got a really bad tooth infection in one of my bottom wisdom tooth areas. I had been getting sick for a few days but had no pain so had no idea it was being caused by my tooth. I had frequent headaches and sluggishness, and even one day I woke up with one of the worst headaches I've ever gotten in my life, accompanied by a pretty high fever. I was even seeing spots. Took some meds to lower the fever, drank lots of water and tea. Got over that, but continued to feel terrible. I honestly started to think I was dying. Then my ear was hurting a bit and i thought I had a bad ear infection. Went to a nearby clinic and they gave me amoxicillin. That helped a bit but i still felt slightly ill. I looked all over the unternet and started finding other people's stories with similar symptoms who ended up learning that it was all caused by an infected tooth. Read that a bad infection could spread and even lead to death!! I have a little family and so I knew I had to go get it checked out. I had to get over my dental fears.
My fiance' suggested I go to his dentist and I found out that my tooth was very infected. They suggested a pull and after talking to my fiance and my dad, I decided that it would be best. Got it out a week later and instantly felt so much better! It was amazing to me!
I honestly had no idea...
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