I'm always happy to try new hair products, especially ones that are supposed to strengthen and repair your hair. I was happy to hear that I was going to be receiving another voxbox and it was going to contain full sized bottles of shampoo and conditioners.
Now, if you've read my most popular lens on squidoo--http://www.squidoo.com/how-to-straighten-really-curly-hair, you would know that I gave up using liquid shampoos and most liquid conditioners a long time ago, for several reasons. However, I am very curious about this particular product and would like to know if it would actually decrease the frizz in my hair, strengthen and repair it, and also remove the tiny bit of dandruff I recently started getting.
I received my voxbox from Influenster for FREE of course, recently, to keep, use and review, so that is exactly what I'm going to do. I wish I could actually say that I've already used the shampoo and conditioner but I can only wash my hair two-three days a week or my hair will be a horrible mess. I will be using it on Thursday after I get home from the gym, when my hair is pretty dirty. I'm excited to see how well it work on my hair. I mean, I'm sure that I shouldn't be expecting a miracle in one use, but the bottles say that this particular formula not only nourishes your hair, locks in moisture, improves scalp and hair health, and also makes your hair stronger against damage!! Sounds excellent!
Now, if you've read my most popular lens on squidoo--http://www.squidoo.com/how-to-straighten-really-curly-hair, you would know that I gave up using liquid shampoos and most liquid conditioners a long time ago, for several reasons. However, I am very curious about this particular product and would like to know if it would actually decrease the frizz in my hair, strengthen and repair it, and also remove the tiny bit of dandruff I recently started getting.
Here is a before photo:
Let me tell you about the type of damage my curls have endured:
- I straighten it at a pretty high heat a few times a week
- I blow dry it on medium hot and then cool a couple of times a week
- I use a fine tooth comb through it when I straighten and when I'm drying it
- I have colored it in the past
- I have used quite a few products in it
So, I'm thinking my hair could definitely use the rescue! I will be posting up the results very soon :)
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